Oh what a wonderful day! I was thrilled to meet up with Mrs Abraham for lunch. We haven't seen each other in over a decade, and she looks as bright and cheerful as ever. She sends her regards to all the BBGS girls who are reading this blog.
Mrs Laura Abraham enriched the lives of many generations of BBGSians with her passion, creativity and infectious laughter. We had such good fun in her English class: writing limericks, coining advertisments and singing the Animal Farm anthem to the tune of 'La Cucaracha'. When I credited Mrs Abraham for the richness of her lessons, she humbly replied, "We just took all the values learnt from Miss Cooke, and passed them on to you girls".
Mrs Abraham retired from BBGS in 1994, after serving our alma mater for 22 years. She's currently busy supervising the renovation of her home. Her children, Thomas and Anne-Marie, are successful professionals with Big Four firms.
Remember how Mrs Abraham used to lead the sing-alongs during school assembly? One of her recent projects has been to compile all these BBGS favourites into a songbook. It's been a labour of love, and I suggested that it should be published. How many of you think it's a good idea and would like to own this unique memorabilia? Drop us a comment and let us know.
Publication of BBGS memories would be great. Some of us recall things from our BBGS days but imperfectly, especially since BBGS is no longer around and there is not much reference left of those days.
Oh how I miss her... and her fudge and pizzas!!! Can I please have her address/email/number so that i could write/email/call? I'd definitely get a copy of anything concerning my school...
I'm sure Mrs Abraham would love to hear from her old girls. Drop me an email at joannayeoh@gmail.com for her contact details.
I am a BBGS girl , graduate of 1995. I am now an English newscaster on RTM , and only have Mrs Abraham to credit for pronounciation and grammar. Am sure I still have more to learn ,but whenever someone asks me about my English , (surprisingly students of other schools are amazed at our English proficiency )I start by saying ....well , long long ago , back in school , I had an English teacher called Mrs Abraham....thank you , Mrs Abraham , for making me what I am today!
Yes, I remember Mrs Abraham. She was my Form 1 class teacher way back in 1982. I can still fondly remember her stern and no-nonsense voice echoing throughout the first floor of Prouse wing, where my classroom was. And the songs that she led us through during assembly sing-along...so fun and I've always enjoyed them. One song that first comes to my mind when I recollect the sing-a-long sessions during Form 1 was: "How much is that doggy in the window?.." Now I sing this song to my son :-)
Yes, Mrs Abraham, compile those songs and publish them. Cheers!
I would!
i would too!
oh yes please. Mrs. Abraham was such a key part of being at BB!
I am missing those lovely fudge Mrs. Abraham made to celebrate BBGS' 100th birthday... recipe pleeeeease?
I was a BBGS girl, or should one say, I AM a BBGS girl? I am now a transcriber for arbitration cases here in Singapore, and believe me when I say I am thankful, every page, for the great teachers I have had in BBGS, namely, Mrs Aziz (1980, Form 1 Commerce-something, I have forgotten what! Oh dear!) and Mrs Abraham (Form 2, 1981) She was also my Geography teacher. I remember how she taught us to trace our maps from the Geo textbook onto our exercise books, and colour them, and, if my memory serves me well, South America was part of the syllabus.
Thank you for your guidance and teachings, Mrs Abraham.
Great memories. Great times.
Chin Yoke Ying - SPM 1984 my sister was a school captain, in 1982(?) Here name is Chin Yoke Mun)
i remembered the Monday assemblies. She divided us into groups and made us sing in different timings ... u know like the first group starts and after one verse the second group starts with the 1st verse and so on ... with all that echo-like singing ... that was amazing! What a memory. And can't forget the spaghetti and meatballs song!! Shamin Shaik Sulaiman of 1991
I think her singing session was the most loved part of any assemblies. I remember those songs, and make good use of them now. I sing them to my baby.
I remember her calling us giddy-goats in class.
Please say hi to Mrs Abraham for me. I remember learning Animal Farm with her and how she used to call us giddy goats. Also how we should sit upright and not lean on the wall cos it didn't need our support. My favourite English teacher - that's what I am now.
Please say hi to Mrs Abraham. She made us pronounce our words over and over again until we got it. " We speak the Queen's English...she says" not American accent....
miss her so much and my "hugs" for her
Oh wow... I remember Mrs Abraham... she was my geography teacher... I remember the class having to colour in the map of M'sia, I think it might have been... but I can't remember if it was in form 1 or 2.. I also remember the Monday assemblies & singing all the very cool songs that I now sing & pass onto my kiddies... *haha* I remember these songs taught by her:
"1 man went to mow, went to mow a meadow, 1 man & his pet pomeranian pup & a bottle of pop went to more a meadow..." &
"sweetly sings the donkey, at the break of dawn, if you do not feed him, this is what he'll say, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw, hee haw..." oh wait, maybe this one was taught by my dad... Oopss... LOL!
I remember singing Zulu Zamba Lulu song which she taught us and I memorise each word until today
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