Monday 3 November 2008

Calling all Cheerleaders

Hi everyone,
Greetings from sunny California! I'm finally on vacation after completing annual budgeting meetings at corporate HQ in Texas. It's been good fun spending time with my sister Julie, shopping at COACH factory outlets and watching TV. I happened to be watching American football over the weekend when I was reminded of cheerleading. I never had the looks to qualify as a cheerleader (still don't ;-) but had the VOICE of one.

It's good to know that cheerleading is one of the few traditions that have carried over to SBU. Does anyone remember any of the old cheers? Here are some that I recall...

"BBGS Dynamite, don't play with dynamites - yeay, yeay, yeay"

"2-4-6-8 Who do we appreciate? BBGS! (replace with whomever you're cheering for that day)

"Have you got that spirit? Yeay man. Let me see it in your hands. Ooh ah ooh ah ah"

Oh dear...I know these sound really dated so if you remember any more cheers, please share them with me and it will be posted on the blog.

Until next time then, cheerio!


Anonymous said...

Everywhere we go,
People want to know,
Who we are,
We are the Shirtliff,
Mighty, mighty Shirtliff

Actually, I'm not so sure of the last line....

Anonymous said...

I as a junior BBGS(2) student who is also unfortunately unable to complete my primary and secondary studies in the much loved BBGS.But it has come to my attention that the school history did not mention at all about BBGS(2)which is now SMK Seri Bintang Selatan.It is understandable that SBU inheritted more history of BBGS than SBS but it brings a bit of a shame to hear BBGS and SBU together without even ackowledging the existence of BBGS(2) or SMK SBS.I came online hoping to search for evidence to reassure myself but only found dissapointment.Im not saying anything but it is kind of sad in a way =(

Shireen said...

Hi ! I was in BBGS from Standard 1 right up til Upper 6 (1988). I remember the cheer for Maclay House very well :-

Our house is F-I-N-E, fine
On the L-I-N-E, line
So we L-O-V-E, love
With all our T-I-M-E, time
We are the B-E-S-T, best
Among the R-E-S-T, rest
So Yay, Yay, for the good ole Maclay House !!!!

Unknown said...

We are the C-O-O-K-E
And the C-H-A-M-P
So we S-T-R-I-V-E
All the T-I-M-E

We are the B-E-S-T best
Among the R-E-S-T rest
So we ra-ra for
The good of old Cooke house