Joanna with Betsy Li and her husband, Ken WongVisitors to Singapore are a rare thing for me but today, I happily welcomed Ms Betsy Li and her husband, Ken Wong to a lunch at Wheelock Place. They're here for a short holiday and since I was in Orchard Rd for some meetings, we had a delightful lunch of Japanese bento.
Many of us who remember Betsy as "Miss Li" will probably be curious about Mr Ken Wong. Sigh...I was so curious that I shamelessly gate-crashed their wedding tea ceremony as Betsy reminded me today (haiyo.. so malu). Ken is also in the field of education and was a former Inspector of Schools. Intellectual, soft-spoken and loving is how I would describe him. Rest assured, he's taking good care of our "Miss Li". They've been married for over 17 years now and make a lovely couple.
Not surprisingly, we talked a lot about BBGS. Ken mentioned how impressed he is with BBGS girls who never fail to walk up to Betsy anywhere in KL and greet her affectionately. Unlike students from other schools (that will remained unnamed) who slink away and hide ;-) He even shared a story of how he was asked to host an Inspector of Schools from England and he insisted on taking him to BBGS because he wanted to show off the best school in Malaysia. What else can I say, the man has excellent taste!
Can't wait to catch up with them again when I'm back in KL later this month. Hopefully, I'll be able to see Miss Yeap and Mrs Abraham as well so stay tuned...