Dusty corners
I was looking through some photos online recently and chanced upon this forgotten corner of the school. Remember the porch in front of the hall? Here's what some of us recall about this space:
- "Chope"ing it for Choral Speaking practice
- ..and Cheerleading practice
- ...and Choir practice
- ...and Drama practice (hey - this was the original KLPac man!)
- Lepaking after school while doing homework
- Getting flashed by flashers (a.k.a desperately gatal old men) roaming Jln Bukit Bintang
What do you remember about this corner of the school?
hai..i'm maryati, from class 5K3...looking back at this picture, remind me my time doing all the chearleading things..thanks to you, for organising this blog...its bring all back the memories...
Porch in front of School Hall brings back memories of the times when we used to have cell meetings. I was part of the Christian Union group back then (left U6 in 1978 - long time ago!!)When I was in Form 3 some of us would have prayer meetings with the younger girls. My group used to be at this corner, it was quiet and clean...
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