Monday, 13 July 2015

Farewell, Miss Yeap

UPDATE: Memorial service for Miss Yeap Gaik Khoon on Sat, 1 Aug 2015 at 4pm, Jalan Gasing Gospel Hall. 

I'd like to encourage all BBGSians who grew up under Miss Yeap's watch to make a donation to the ECEF.  Please tag your donation "In Memory of Ms Yeap Gaik Khoon" so that the administrators can keep track of the funds and announce the collective amount. I will start the ball rolling with a donation of RM5000 today. 

Details of donations to ECEF a can be found here:

Roslinah Daud (Class of 1988) attended Ms Yeap's memorial wake in Seremban and shares her experience with us.  

Kar Hue and I managed to visit Ms Yeap on Sunday 12th July 2015. She passed away on Saturday morning at her brother's house in Seremban after 4 and a half years of sickness due to concussion from a snatch theft outside a church in PJ.
She had not been well recently due to pneumonia and had been in and out of the hospital. Listening to her sister-in-law's story of her last moments brought tears to our eyes. She died an easy death as she was well at the time Kamala left her to go to get some diapers in Shah Alam. Only after 15 minutes she was gone, Ms Yeap had really bad cough and phelgm but there were signs that Kamala noticed in Ms Yeap's behaviour; in that she was always staring at Kamala with tears in her eyes in the past few weeks...and once when Kamala patted her hand, Ms Yeap patted Kamala's hand using her other hand, like she knew she was going to leave.

Anyway, soon after Kamala left the house and Ms Yeap said BYE, she received a call from Mr Yeap. Mr Yeap was called by the maid as Ms Yeap was coughing really badly. While he was tending to her, her head bowed slowly to the front and when Mr Yeap tried to straighten it, her head went to the back. That's when Mr Yeap knew she was gone but still did not give up. He called Kamala to.convey the news and was asked immediately to bring her to the hospital.

When they reached the hospital, the doctor and nurses were already standing by...and they checked on her while she was still in the car and confirmed that she has passed on.
According to Kamala, Ms Yeap's body will be cremated tomorrow, Monday 13th July 2015. 
Goodbye Ms Yeap. Thank you for all you have done to BBGS. 
Nisi Dominus Frustra.

Roslinah and Kar Hue (far right) conveying our condolences to Miss Yeap's family

Saturday, 11 July 2015

In Loving Memory of Ms Yeap Gaik Khoon

UPDATE: Memorial service for Miss Yeap Gaik Khoon on Sat, 1 Aug 2015 at 4pm, Jalan Gasing Gospel Hall. 

I'd like to encourage all BBGSians who grew up under Miss Yeap's watch to make a donation to the ECEF.  Please tag your donation "In Memory of Ms Yeap Gaik Khoon" so that the administrators can keep track of the funds and announce the collective amount. I will start the ball rolling with a donation of RM5000 today. 

Details of donations to ECEF a can be found here: 

In loving memory of Ms Yeap Gaik Khoon, Headmistress of BBGS from 1980 - 1993, who passed away on Saturday 11 July 2015.

"O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells
Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning"

- Walt Whitman

I read this poem as a tribute during Ms Yeap's retirement dinner in 1993.  It seems appropriate to share it once again in memory of a loving woman who was my teacher, my headmistress, my cheerleader, my mentor, my friend.

The memory of her sitting down to cry together with me over my SPM results will forever be etched in my memory.  It was a simple act of kindness that made me realise that she was not only an authority figure, she was my friend.

Thank you Miss Yeap, and Farewell.